Stay At Home Dads

Eye Dr Appt and Dentist Appt.

Emma has always been reluctant to warm up to strangers rapidly, unless they are younger, big girls. So, when we made appointments to see the dentist and the eye doctor for the first real exams that she would have, I was apprehensive. The dentist was relatively easy for me since I was in for a cleaning and was already being attended to when Emma and Melissa went into the room next to me. I heard everything that went on on Emma sure gave the hygenist a run for her money. Boy, was this woman patient! Emma would start to let her work and then stop her at the last minute. this bickering went back …Read more […..]

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Whew! We Dodged a Bullet!

Well, last night we surely got lucky! We had to call the Poison Control Hotline two times and were up very late. Their number is 1-800-222-1222. Emma has had a cold off and on for almost two weeks, us too. She had been coughing badly ever since the weekend-3, yes 3 parties on Saturday?.. Before bed we gave her a Triaminic grape flavored nighttime cough and cold strip. this was about 930. I thinking that i should put the medicine in the cabinet but figured that I would be coming up soon and Emma was trustworthy-I had told her before that she should never take an medicine without us knowing …Read more […..]

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Daddy, We Had a Good Day…

Melissa was out of town for a day recently. Emma and I kept ourselves busy after school. Among other things, we danced–We took turns dancing to music from the Ipad(Emma loves the Ipad and plays many games on it). One of us would dance while the other watched and clapped afterwards. Emma loves to watch her Stay at home Daddy dance!!! After that we played Wii. We played the Disney Princess game as well as the Mario Winter Olympics. We had dinner and then settled down for the evening before bed. The main reason for this post is because while I was reading Emma a book in bed, she looked …Read more […..]

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Life & Friendship–Enjoy it and Don’t Take it for Granted

As Emma develops friendships, several very close ones, I can’t help but think to myself whether they will be lifelong friendships or, as is most commonly the case, childhood friends. I think this because I still have close friendships with people who I met in the early grade school years. As This stay at home dad often does, I am trying to look ahead into Emma’s life and by doing so am reminded of past memories of my own life. Memories of a very dear childhood/teenage friend of mine come to mind. A life with such potential  tragically cut short. This was a very significant …Read more […..]

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The Big Boys! “Can I Tell You Something?” Privacy While in Bathroom..

Emma has become good friends with the boys down the street. There are 2 boys, Evan and Ethan, that are a year older than her as well as a boy, Nathan, that is a year younger then her. They live down the street and love to come to our cul-de-sac where they can ride their bikes, their motorized cars, and scooters with her. It is so funny to watch them playing because Emma leads the way with the puppy dog boys following along. When they are at their house and Emma is in our front yard, they are constantly yelling messages back and forth. The little guy, Nathan, is the most vocal and aggressive about …Read more […..]

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Taking Emma to School—Priceless!

So, I am glad I went with my gut and didn’t listen to the naysayers who were telling me that Emma should take the bus to school because it would be good for her. Well, instead of the awesome pleasure of riding on a school bus, Emma is able to further bond with her Daddy! Which is the better option? Hmmmmm….. As we were walking the half block from the car to school today, I couldn’t help but think about this. I parked in the usual area and we walked holding hands as always past the crossing guard and to the school. It was a beautiful morning today and we talked as we always do about the exciting …Read more […..]

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1st Day(half) of Kindergarten!

Well, the day finally arrived! After meeting with Emma’s new teacher yesterday for meet the Teacher Day, Emma had her 1st half day of school. Meeting her teacher yesterday relieved some of my anxieties as well as Emma’s since she got an awesome teacher! Her teacher is right up her alley–an energetic and fun sounding young woman. I also learned about the procedures that I will be participating in such as dropping off and picking up. I set my alarm for 7am but woke up on my own this morning at 6ish in anticipation of today. We let Emma sleep until Mommy went to work and Mommy woke her …Read more […..]

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Bye Bye Yoda, Daddy Will You Stay Here with Me Forever?, Wisconsin for 9 Days!, VBS

I often think about how fast time flies but it really hit home hard recently with the passing of my cat of 17+ years, Yoda. Emma brushing Yoda about a week before he died.                                                                   Me holding Yoda 1994 Seems like another completely different life when I got that cute little furball! I was single and lived in my own house all by myself …Read more […..]

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The End of Preschool Already?!

It is with a strange feeling of sadness I feel when thinking about the Preschool Closing ceremony that was held tonight at Emma’s school. The ceremony was just incredible and great and all but I can’t believe that it is over!   It just seems like yesterday that I brought Emma to her 1st day of preschool(with a great deal of apprehension—I wrote about it in this blog HERE) when she was 3 almost 2 years ago. I also remember the difference when I dropped her off at the beginning of this school year that is ending tomorrow. I did so with a feeling …Read more […..]

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“Mommie, Why Can’t I Have a Real Car? I Want A Real Car”, Field Trip To Cosley Zoo, School Picnic!

Emma has really loved driving her Barbie Mustang since she got it. She brings her toys and stuffed animals in with her and rocks out to the “radio” that her car has. She has become quite a good little driver and recently said to Melissa, “Mommy, why can’t I have a real car? I want a real car like yours.” Too funny! We told her she has to wait another ten years and she said she doesn’t want to. Emma’s preschool had another field trip to the Cosley zoo and I volunteered to be the Chaperone. I had the privilege to drive Emma and her BFF Avery to the zoo. It was fun watching …Read more […..]

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