Home Dad
WISCONSIN: Baby dead in day-care van
Need I Say More?? Although the vast majority of daycare agencies are trustworthy, you never really know the person who you place your child with. MILWAUKEE — A 4-month-old boy was found dead in a day-care center’s van Thursday and its driver was arrested, police said. The baby may have been left in the Bumble Bee Day Care Center van for about four hours before he was found Thursday afternoon, police spokeswoman Anne Schwartz said. How the baby died was not immediately known; the temperature in the area was in the 50s at the time. Schwartz says the van’s 44-year-old driver was arrested …Read more […..]
Relief is Here! Nap By Myself, B-day Party! Sneaking Bubble Gum, Why? Potty Power! Hex Girls, Holding a 3Yr Old Accountable??
It has been awhile but it has been busy around here… Emma had a new pal for the last couple weeks and I had a “vacation” during this time. Nonnie, my Mom, came and stayed with us. Boy, did Emma enjoy having her here…. Emma got to play dolls(with someone other than me all day), jump in her bouncy toy, play outside(a day or 2 since weather was bad), color, and run Nonnie ragged….. She got to take naps with her, and even took a nap all by herself a day or two–good one nonnie! She was proud and bragged about how she took a nap “all by myself!” Nonnie got Emma back on track …Read more […..]
The Great American Role Reversal?
Emma & Nona(Her Great-Grandmother) in 2008 Good article about the changing roles men and women are going through–or have been going through for quite some time. Women as breadwinners: The great American role reversal? By Michelle Goodman NWjobs Speaking of households being turned upside down, you probably saw Sunday’s NWjobs article about men being laid off at a far more rapid rate than women. As Patrick May of the San Jose Mercury News reports, in an increasing number of households, women are being thrust into the role of main breadwinner and laid-off men are stepping into …Read more […..]
Bad Dream,Uncle Jeff & Aunt Joe, Scooby Doo! Name & Address, Potty Power! Favorite Dolls!
The other morning Emma woke up upset. The first thing she said was, “Mommy ate my apple and was mad!” Well, it turns out that she had a bad dream where Mommy ate her apple and was mad. LOL Her first documented(By her) bad dream. Emma had the exciting privilege of having a couple of her favorite visitors come stay with us. When she got up I told her that she was having surprise visitors coming to see her. When I told her that they were here and opened the door so she could see them exiting their car she saw Uncle Jeff and went crazy! She started jumping up and down and yelling through the door …Read more […..]
Baby Sitters Accused of Taping Sex With Children
Some sick people out there! Another example of why I am paranoid of daycare and babysitters… VEEDERSBURG, Ind. – A couple who ran a baby-sitting service out of their home videotaped themselves performing sex acts with children, some as young as 2 months old, police said Friday. Stephen E. Quick, 31, and Samantha Light, 25, both of Veedersburg in western Indiana, were being held on $100,000 bond in Fountain County Jail. Both faced preliminary charges of child molestation and child exploitation. Jail staff did not know whether either one had an attorney. Police who searched …Read more […..]
New Stay at Home Dads
A nice intro by a fellow Stay at Home Dad. The last sentence says it all! I want to welcome all the dads entering the stay at home dad realm. You are entering the toughest job you will ever love. Because we have a tough economy, more dads are entering the stay at home dad status. I want you dads to know that you are not alone. Keep searching for resources and groups to join. Have fun with your kids because time will go fast. You will look back one day and know that your sacrifice to be there for your kids paid off greater than any paycheck or monetary investment. Vini Nunez Agape Life …Read more […..]
How Cool is This?
I read this and it just confirmed my reason for writing in this blog. Truly awesome! I have to get the book now! Enjoy! My Son Is Reading My Book About Him By David Eddie Author of: Housebroken, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home-Dad http://www.loveandblueberries.com/2009/03/08/my-son-is-reading-my-book-about-him/ Yes, an unusual situation. My oldest son, now 12, is reading my book that concerns me, the ne’er-do-well bachelor and man’s man and ladies’ man, making the difficult transition to being a married man and not only a father but a stay-at-home Dad. He needed a book for a book …Read more […..]
Interesting Stay at Home Dad Statistics
Years 1988 to 1993 Fathers providing care (In Thousands) As primary provider of care: (Year 1993)1,915 or 12.9%,  (1991)2,032 or 13.9%,   (1988)1,688 or 11.8% Year 2004 105,000 Estimated number of “stay-at-home†dads. These are married fathers with children under 15 who are not in the labor force primarily so they can care for family members while their wives work outside the home. Stay-at-home dads care for 189,000 children. <http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/releases/archives/children/001125.html> 2 million Number of preschoolers …Read more […..]
Daycare Anyone?
Kids mistakenly drink wiper fluid at Ark. day care. By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer Jon Gambrell, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 7 mins ago A daycare center for children near Scott, Ark., is shown Friday, March 13, 2009. AP – A daycare center for children near Scott, Ark., is shown Friday, March 13, 2009. Arkansas Children’s … LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Ten children at an Arkansas day-care center drank windshield wiper fluid after the owner served it from a container mistaken for Kool-Aid and placed in a refrigerator, authorities said Friday. The day-care owner …Read more […..]