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Nona in Heaven, Go Dogs to Heaven, Riding my bike! 4th Birthday–Princesses! I Love Poppie
It has been awhile since it has been hectic around here. My grandmother “Nona” passed away recently after several months of illness. I will surely miss her alot–maybe I will write about her in depth in the future–and Emma will miss her too. Emma really liked to visit with her even in the hospital. Emma has a new favorite movie which she pronounces in a very cute way. It is “Go Dogs to Heaven.” Obviously it is All Dogs Go to Heaven….:) She loves this movie as well as its sequel. After getting a nice new tricycle for Christmas from her cousins Chrissy …Read more […..]
“Gotforgot†Timeout at School? Meeting with Emma’s Teacher, Dropping Princess Slipper, Wake up Sleeping Beauty
A couple cute words that Emma uses are: Gotforgot(instead of forgot) and yittle(instead of little). Yittle has been used for awhile now but I am not sure that I have documented it yet. Both of these words are funny to hear her say. Recently, Emma told us that a classmate had gotten a timeout at school. When we began to interrogate her further we began to believe that maybe she had gotten a timeout. The answer to this is a bit later but she mentioned the “Fireboys.” The Fireboys are boys in her class who play like they are firemen. She talks about them a lot so she may like them…;) We …Read more […..]
Christmas Party at Lena’s, Lala Here! Sleepover with Lala & KiKi, Merry Christmas!
It was much fun at Lena’s house for her Christmas party. Emma was all over the place playing with all of her older cousins! She really loves Tina and kept her busy. She is friendly with everyone and even smiles at Uncle Vince and Uncle Fred! Of course Emma was spoiled like crazy by her aunts with all kinds of Christmas presents, especially tons of clothes. And, the food was, as usual, excellent!!!! Emma was really excited when her cousin Lauren(Lala) came to stay here from Florida. Emma really kept lala busy and took the heat off me and Mommie! She really likes lala and always looks …Read more […..]
Bad Behaviors,Christmas Performance
Emma has been experimenting with some bad behaviors lately and I have a feeling that she has been learning them at school–from the other kids! The first thing she has been doing is when she gets mad at me. She has decided to start saying, “Bad Daddy” or “You’re a bad Daddy.” It gets under my nerves sometimes and I don’t want to over-react so I just tell her that I am not a bad Daddy but am looking out for her–not always in those exact words! Writing this right now makes me laugh when I think of her saying this but hopefully it is a phase–a stinker phase! The bad behaviors just keep getting …Read more […..]
1st Burn, Halloween Party at School, Trick or Treat! Little Miss Prissy
Emma suffered her first burn and it was a small one thank goodness! She was playing with the ceramic halloween pumpkin candle holder while a small candle was indide. This is after we continually told her not to play with this because it is hot. Well, the little stinker took the top off and touched the silver metal part underneath and…Ouch!!! She cried a little bit but once I put medicine on it and a Bandaid(A Princess Bandaid) all was OK. And, she could not help but talk about her booboo any chance she got and to any person she could find! 🙂 Emma’s class had their halloween party at school. …Read more […..]
Rub My Back/Belly, Nonnie Here!, Thanks Nonnie for the New Word, I Want My Mommy, Icky Witch/Mean Old Lady, Halloween Store!
Emma has this new thing where she likes when I rub her back and/or her belly when bringing her for a nap or for bedtime when Mommie isn’t home. She makes sure that I know that she wants me to do so by saying, “Daddy rub my back” or “Daddy rub my belly.” This is a great thing because it cuts down the time it takes for her to fall asleep-the anti-sleeper that she is! Well, Nonnie has come to stay here for awhile and Emma–and I–love it! Emma gets a new playmate for awhile and I get a bit of freedom too! A bad thing that came of Nonnie being here is the new bad word that Emma learned from her! …Read more […..]
1st Week of Preschool, Cousin Vinnie’s Party, Maria(Meera), Sleeping Beauty(Sleeping Booty)
Emma’s 1st day of preschool was an extremely nerve wracking ordeal for me. I didn’t sleep well all night due to being so nervous about leaving Emma in strangers’ care. I also worried that she wouldn’t want me to leave and would cry etc…. Well, I acted all excited in the morning in an effort to hide my uneasiness as well as to get her excited about it. She was Ok with it except for the getting up earlier than normal. My nervousness was at a level equal to that of when I had to give a speech in school when we arrived. We got there and I hung up her backpack on her hanger and went over her …Read more […..]
1st Day of Preschool, I Love You Daddy, Florida Vacation–Chaos!
We recently had Emma’s preschool open house. It was cool to go see her school and be able to check out all the things that are there. Emma really liked the cars that they have and played with the cash register–ka-ching! We met her teacher again who is very nice, I think Emma likes her! That is a relief! I still can’t help feeling nervous about her starting preschool even if it is only a couple half days a week. My philosophy is let a kid enjoy being a kid as I remember many fond memories of playing with toys and using my imagination, etc… It seems there are way too many parents–One uppers– …Read more […..]
Ice Age 3d, Give me my Privacy, Pretty Dresses & Pretty Shoes
Well, Emma saw her first 3d movie and it was cool! For a few days before we went I drilled into her head the idea of wearing glasses so she could see the movie. Being a fan of the previous two Ice Age movies, she listened and told me she would wear the glasses. She kept her word! Melissa and I had fun too as I hadn’t been to a 3d movie for over twenty years. Emma has started to tell us “Give me my privacy” now while she is going to the bathroom. LOL She has always not been shy but after hearing Mommy & Daddy tell her to give us our privacy she has caught on…. Emma loves to try on her …Read more […..]
Family Night at the Zoo, The Boys’ Birthday Party, Indiana @ Mary’s, Preschool Teacher Visits,1st Backpack
A recent weekend proved to be extremely busy and fun for Emma. The following is a summary.. Friday was Family Night at the Brookfield Zoo was a good time despite the rain! Emma, and Melissa and I for that matter, were entertained by the lions who were actually playing! A benefit of going to the Zoo in the evening is that the animals are wide awake and very active. The lions looked like kittens running around and playing. They actually looked like they were having fun! Emma sure had fun this year too! She was going up to all the kids, most of time they were older girls, and dancing in front of …Read more […..]