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1st Day of School! Coloring Like Crazy! Company Day At Great America!

What a difference a year makes! Emma couldn’t wait to go back to school! She got up and asked if she was going to school but I had to tell her that she will be going in the afternoons this year. I had none of the nervousness that I felt last year when she had her 1st day of school. None of the uneasiness that I felt as I drove her there and virtually none( maybe just a tad) of the guilt as I left her there….And, she was excited to be going back to school since she has the same teacher and is familiar with it. A plus this year is that she is in the afternoon class which means that we …Read more […..]

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Mrs Koshmann visits! “Daddy, You Walk Like This” “I’m Telling You” Snuggler in The Morning

Well, it is that time of year! Summer is ending and preschool is about to start! Just like last year Mrs. Koschmann came to the house to visit and meet with Emma. Unlike last year Emma knows her very well and talked to her from the start! 🙂 It is also different than last year because we know what to expect and feel extremely confident and secure in knowing that Emma will have her for her teacher this year. I remember the nervous trepidation I felt last year and am grateful that this year will be easy! One of Emma’s new sayings is one that makes fun of her Daddy. Out of the blue Emma said to …Read more […..]

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“Let’s Go Check It Out” “It Is Hilarious” “Mommy, I want a Hamburger”

As Emma and I were playing outside–riding bikes–we smelled a funky odor. Realizing that it was garbage day I observed a dark stain on the street that the garbage truck had left for us..Yuck! I told Emma where I thought the smell was coming from and she stated, “Let’s go check it out.” A very cute quote! Of course we went over and she wanted to keep looking at the stain and even rode over it. Another funny quote that Emma said was when we were playing and she found something–what it was I forget–funny. She stated,”It is Hilarious.” Not sure where she picked this up from but it was very cute! Another …Read more […..]

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Goal of Exercise, Wisconsin With Cousins,Emma Went Tubing! Coloring Addict, Knows Her Letters!

Throughout my life I exercised regularly for a variety of different reasons. When I was a kid I did it for self defense and self esteem. When I got older it was for looks and self esteem. When I became a Police Officer it was out of a sense of duty to keep myself in the best position possible to have the edge over the bad guys. Now, while I was recently looking at Emma I realized that my outlook on exercise has changed to become a duty and obligation to her so that I am around(God willing) for her for a very long time. I want to be able to fight off the hordes of boys/men that are sure to be …Read more […..]

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Swim Lessons, New Words/Phrases

Emma has been going to swim lessons at the park district with Melissa. There were a couple occasions when i had to fill in . A memorable one was her 2nd class when I was told that Emma was mistakenly put in the wrong class the previous week. Well, the instructor for the new class was nowhere near as personable as the previous week’s instructor. Granted, these are teenage girls but this new one had a class(class is not a great description as there are only 4-5 kids in each group) of all boys a tad bit older then Emma and this girl obviously had an affinity for little boys than little girls. Well, …Read more […..]

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Day at Lena’s Pool with Mom, Swimming at Her New Pool, Vacation Bible School Starts!

  Sounds like they had a blast at Lena’s. They were gone the entire day and when they got back Emma was wiped out! They swam in the pool and Emma was occupied with her older girl cousins. Melissa got updated on all the gossip, I am sure. It is nice that they had fun without me because it is good for me to have some time like this alone to recharge. Last summer, Emma had her little inflatable pool that was just right for cooling off. This year, a friend gave us an even bigger pool that included a small filter and was even bigger and deeper. It is even good enough for …Read more […..]

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To the Mall with Jeff & Jo, Car Track, Aquarium

Another “milestone’ that was recently achieved was Emma going somewhere in someone else’s car without me or Melissa. It may sound strange but Emma has not been anywhere in someone else’s car without us. But since she really loves My uncle Jeff and his wife Jo and since I trust them and like some free time, they decided to bring Emma to Woodfield mall. Before they left Jeff told me that they would see me at 4! That was about 6 hours from then! It was strange watching her get in their car and then wave to me as they drove away. I felt an almost sense of loss and worry…..It lasted about a minute …Read more […..]

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Da Beet! Dance, Dance, Dance, Am I “Gay”?

One of the cutest sayings that Emma has been using is Da Beet! She calls her feet beet. LOl. When I ask her if she wants her socks on she says Da Beet! Emma is a dancing fool just like me! I know I am no Fred Astaire but at least I try to show her how to do it! She loves to start one of the many, many, toys she has that plays music. She then proceeds to twirl around and around. Its the funny thing she does with her eyes that takes the cake. She keeps her eyes looking in the opposite direction that she is spinning. If she is spinning clockwise then her eyes are are looking all the way counter …Read more […..]

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Preschool Graduation! Mommy is home….Guilt over my short fuse & anxiety

Well, our little Emma has had her 1st graduation! Oh, how time does fly!! 🙂 It seems like I was nervously just dropping her off on her 1st day of preschool and now the year is over. I am so proud of her and how well she is doing. She was very proud of herself too. She was excited–I am sure she didn’t understand what graduation really meant or that she wouldn’t see her friends for a long time and that she will be stuck with her Daddy all summer—but she was excited! There was a very nice ceremony and the kids sang some of their songs. It lasted longer than I thought it would and …Read more […..]

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Black Dolphin, Knock Knock-Its a Pleasure To Meet You, Is Mommy Coming Home?

One of Emma’s favorite new toys is something that Melissa brought home from her loooong trip to Orlando for her work convention. Did I say long? More on that later…. Anyway, She brought Emma a killer whale stuffed animal that Emma named “Black Dolphin.” It is just way too funny how she comes up with things on her own! Speaking of things she came up with….She likes to play the “Knock Knock” game. So, I say “Knock Knock” and knock on the closed door that she is behind and she says “Who’s there?” and I reply with whatever goofy name I can come up with or maybe even “Daddy” at which time she …Read more […..]

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