Home Dad

Poppadee, Colors, Cousin Taylor

The last two days Emma has been saying a new word that we have no idea where she learned it from. Nonnie attached 4 straws together then attached them to part of a baster. Emma has been walking around with it and tapping it on the floor while saying, “Poppadee…Poppadee.” It is hilarious! Amazing how she is coming up with words on her own. She says “Me” and “Mine” and knows and says her colors, purple(her favorite, blue, yellow, red, green, and orange. She really loves to color and says “color” whenever she wants to. She is a little smarty–I know all parents say that but she really is! Her …Read more […..]

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PARENT – Job Description

This is excellently put! POSITION : Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop JOB DESCRIPTION : Long term, team players needed, for challenging, permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier …Read more […..]

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Tired Days,Thought for Today

I haven’t been writing as much lately as I have been very tired. Nonnie is in town helping out and I have been getting a chance to get other things done. At the end of the day I have been very tired. Speaking of very tired, the First day that I was home with Emma was extremely tiring….. I thought that I was a doomed man after that day. I will explain more about that day soon… Enjoy the following message. Do I believe in luck?  I should say I do!  It’s a wonderful force.  I have watched the successful careers of too many lucky men to doubt its existence and its efficacy.  …Read more […..]

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Mommy out of town, Nooooo, Hi-chair?

Whenever Melissa goes out of town I feel a pressure and anxiety that everything is  on me now. Emma is a great little girl and is an angel but whenever I hear her call for Momma when she is not here it breaks my heart. I can usually change the subject or distract her but sometimes at night time she really wants her Momma. I’m sure that this happens often to Dads and even Moms. Am I the only one that hates the fact that my spouse travels out of town? Emma has discovered the word “No.” We are in trouble now….. Today, she was playing with her duckie> and pinkie bear and telling …Read more […..]

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Party time, How I got here, Mom goes back to work

The last couple days were fun party days. Emma loves parties and had lots of fun! The first party was a holiday party with Melissa’s friends–my friends too! Emma got to play with Alisha, Daniel, and Lauren. She had lots of fun running in the hallways of the golf club with the other “big” girls. She also liked to grab 21 yr old Britney’s hand and drag her around. The waitresses loved Emma and she seems to brighten every one’s face who she comes in contact with. She didn’t like when Bob picked her up when she didn’t want him to. She cried and actually had tears and when he put her …Read more […..]

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Bosingpot, Cinderelli, Nonnie(Lobleeee), Sleepover with Mary & Sylvana! Pure Exhaustion & Help or Lack of…

So, Emma’s word has changed from bodeepot to bosingpot. We can’t figure out where she got this word but she mentions elfs–maybe from the movie Elf? She uses this word lots like it is a real thing…Too funny! Emma has really become quite fond of the movie Cinderella. The fact that she has several dolls of the princess adds to her enjoyment of it. She plays with her dolls and Cinderella is usually in the middle of the action “talking” to the other dolls. Some of the other dolls include newer favorites Jasmine, Snow White, and two different Ariel dolls. We were recently up at the lake house …Read more […..]

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The Beginning

People who know me know that I am a big kid. Even though my childhood was not perfect(Much more on this in the book) I have fond memories of it. Everything was so amazing and nothing was impossible! My Hotwheels, plastic soldiers, Vertibird, electric train set, Power passers, Intellivision, Schwinn World Sport(which I still have!), mini-bike, dirt bike, my Buick Electra, etc…… Going to the movies with uncle Jeff was so much fun, especially the R rated ones! Sleepovers with all my friends then sneaking out! Playing guns outside(None of us has shot anyone or committed violent crimes …Read more […..]

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Our TV Commercials

A few years ago, after much procrastinating, we purchased a Sleep Number Bed. To make a long story short, I have some back issues and could not sleep on our regular beds. I tried everything possible but always was in pain while sleeping and didn’t sleep well, etc…. We purchased the bed during Melissa’s pregnancy with Emma. It not only helped this soon to be stay at home dad but it helped her too. I registered the bed online and after about a year was contacted by the maker of the bed, Select Comfort, who asked how I liked it. I gave my story and was contacted a short time later. They asked …Read more […..]

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Stay at Home Dad Video Regarding England’s Dad Revolution

This video hits the nail on the head. For a long time I had an identity crisis as I felt my identity was that of a Police Officer. It took me a while before my identity became that of the best Dad I can be. And, I have been absolutely blessed to have witnessed all the things that I have while Emma has been growing up. The old fashioned fathers who worked, worked, and worked missed out on the most important thing in my mind–being involved with and seeing your kids grow up–intimately. Anyway, enjoy the video! …Read more […..]

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Opening Drawers, Sitting High, Hiding, No Baba

Today, actually yesterday, Emma made sounds like she was up at 7:45. I thought she went back to sleep but then heard noises a 1/2 hr later. I went up there and she was sitting next to her dresser with the door open and all her clothes on the floor. LOL Just playing contentedly with her clothes. Our new thing is to go play in the basement. She likes it down there because it is roomy and we have all kinds of lights and things set up for her to look at. For the first time she wanted to sit on one of the bar stools. I couldn’t get her down! She loves saying “high!” when she sits on the high …Read more […..]

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