Home Dad
Horsies, Sleepover with Taylor, The “Scooterâ€, I Can Walk! NC Vacation Pics
The other day i brought Emma to my sister Kimmy’s place to pick up Nonnie. Emma was excited to go there because she knew her cousin Taylor, age 5, would be there. Emma got to see their 9 pet bunnies (buddies) and also the 3 horses that they have on their property. Emma likes riding her little rocking horses and likes to see horses on TV. Boy did she like to see them in person! She even got to pet them! The big Momma horse even did some horse talk for us. Emma got a bonus when my cousin Diane came by with her daughter Adell (Dell). The 3 girls went walking in the mud and went in the stable …Read more […..]
Caged Lion Reappears, Sleep?, High Heels, Why? OK! Peanut Butter!
I have written about the feeling that I sometimes get while being home with Emma. It has nothing to do with Emma and is absolutely all about me. I have called the feeling that of a caged lion. Well, that cat was back last week in a bad way. I am not sure if mothers who stay at home get this feeling. I am not sure if it is because I have always worked, done my own thing, got married at age 35, had freedom, or whatever but I know it is something I have had to deal with the last couple years. This feeling is one that is unsettling to say the least. I feel guilty feeling it because in some way …Read more […..]
Stay-at-home Dads – Return To Work Not Easy
Men can face societal sanctions if they chose to be full-time caregivers By Eve Tahmincioglu, MSNBC.com contributor I recently wrote about how stay-at-home moms may be committing career hara-kiri if they take too much time off from work to raise kids and do nothing to update their skills. But it appears men who make the decision to become stay-at-home dads may be in even more career hot water. Men have the added problem of trying to return to work in a society that just doesn’t get why they made the decision to leave a budding career in the first place. Even though women face …Read more […..]
Orlando Trip, Fifi & Lala, Mickey & Minnie! The Witch!
We have been away for a bit on a trip to Orlando, Florida. The primary reason for the trip was for Melissa’s convention. Dada and Emma tagged along, along with Nonnie for assistance. Now, the choice was for Melissa to go on her own with the consequence being Emma not seeing her Mama for a week. With recent experiences of Emma being away from Melissa for 2 or 3 nights and the consequences of such, we decided that Dada and Nonnie would tag along. Daddy was able to re-arrange his schedule and off we went! Emma was able to see her cousin Lala(Lauren) and her auntie FiFi(Krissy). She last saw …Read more […..]
Sick, Help!!! Mama’s Shoes, Potty Chairs!
For those of you that have regular assistance with the care of your child, count your blessings! Do not take that for granted. For the week following Emma’s birthday party this Stay at Home Dad had the Flu/Walking Pneumonia. Taking care of a 2 year old under these conditions is, well, a monumental challenge, at least for me! For the last two years I wondered what I would do if I got sick and had to take care of Emma. Since I used to get sick every October and March like clockwork this was on my mind during those times of year. Emma’s hemangioma trained us to wash our hands constantly since the …Read more […..]
Favorite New Movies, Some Firsts, Fireworks!
Emma has a few favorite, and I use this term loosely as she is addicted to them, new movies. The first is Finding Nemo. For about a week she wanted to watch it everyday and usually requested it 2 to 3 times a day! The second is Shrek the Third. She loves the little Shrek babies, the Spanish walking cat, and Hook, the pirate with the hook hand. The third, and recently the new addiction, is Cars. She loves the cars going fast and especially loves the train and trucks. Emma had some firsts recently. The first one was her first booboo. She fell down and got a good scrape on top of her foot. …Read more […..]
2nd Bday Party! Happy! Look What I Can Do! Sick…:(
Emma turned 2 on March 27th! Her 2nd birthday was very nice even though Melissa and I were under the weather. We had a pretty good turnout for the party. Melissa’s entire family, both sides, showed up as they usually do. 1 Cousin and 2 aunts could not make it. Even her 2 grandmothers, one 88 and virtually deaf and hardly able to walk, and the other 96 and suffering from Alzheimers made it. They are true to their family and it is admirable. My parents, 2 sisters and families, and some members of my “new” family came. My “new” family is also very true to their family! They …Read more […..]
Puppy! Mana, Shoes, Mall, Diaper Changing
This past weekend we went to Emma’s “new” relatives for an early Easter and a birthday party. Emma received big Easter baskets filled with goodies. She also got to play with the tiny little dog that was there! She loves puppies and this little dog was no exception. It is smaller than her cats and wags its tail extremely fast! The only thing that she didn’t get was that this little dog did not like her and wanted to bite her. She got a kick out of the fact that it tried to bite her cheek and her feet. Even 4 days later when I ask her what she did at the party she laughs and says “puppy, …Read more […..]