
Stay at Home Dad Video Regarding England’s Dad Revolution

This video hits the nail on the head. For a long time I had an identity crisis as I felt my identity was that of a Police Officer. It took me a while before my identity became that of the best Dad I can be. And, I have been absolutely blessed to have witnessed all the things that I have while Emma has been growing up. The old fashioned fathers who worked, worked, and worked missed out on the most important thing in my mind–being involved with and seeing your kids grow up–intimately. Anyway, enjoy the video! …Read more […..]

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Opening Drawers, Sitting High, Hiding, No Baba

Today, actually yesterday, Emma made sounds like she was up at 7:45. I thought she went back to sleep but then heard noises a 1/2 hr later. I went up there and she was sitting next to her dresser with the door open and all her clothes on the floor. LOL Just playing contentedly with her clothes. Our new thing is to go play in the basement. She likes it down there because it is roomy and we have all kinds of lights and things set up for her to look at. For the first time she wanted to sit on one of the bar stools. I couldn’t get her down! She loves saying “high!” when she sits on the high …Read more […..]

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New Word, Guilt, Calling for Mama,Hurry She’s Sleeping!

Today Emma woke up in a good mood. I heard her on the monitor calling for Dada and tried to finish some work for my business. This brings up the fact that even though I stay up late–I really appreciate the quiet time now– I purposely get up early so that I can: first have my coffee and slowly wake up(I am not a morning person) and second: go through the seemingly endless number of emails I get overnight and get business work “finished” before Emma wakes up. Well, she woke up happy as she does most of the time, and proceeded to show me her new sheets that have frogs and flowers. She …Read more […..]

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Navy Pier, Happy New Year! Birthday Party!

We took Emma to Navy Pier for the Christmas extravaganza. We met Doug and his family that includes 3 boys ages 1,5 and 8. Well, it was very cool even for me. So many lights and Christmas decorations as well as so many things for kids to do. Emma rode on the train with Melissa, rode the Merry Go Round a couple times but her favorite thing was to play in the ball tent and candy cane tunnel areas. She played with Adam, age 5, in this area and when the time was up for her group of kids to leave she was the last one to leave–actually Melissa had to get her out, lol. There was also a magic show …Read more […..]

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