dad groups
YouTube Videos, Dirty Deeds! Cousin Kylie, Superbowl & Vincent! At the Park in February!
So, Emma has been into a new activity lately. She loves to “Go in the office” to watch YouTube videos. Yes, at almost 3 years of age she is now literate in Web 2.0! We have a ton of bookmarked videos that she watches. Besides watching the short video clips of herself that I have recorded over the years–wow, over the years already!–she really enjoys watching the homemade videos of Disney clips/characters set to popular songs. The videos have to have actual video clips and not just pictures or else she will tell me to “Change it.” Her favorite video is set to the AC/DC song “Dirty Deeds” …Read more […..]
Just some words of wisdom for everyone! Stress A lecturer when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked,”How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter.It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you’ll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it’s the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” He …Read more […..]
Can You Believe This? Child Safety Tip
What are your thoughts on stay at home dads if the woman really wants to work? Or even if both want/need to work? This question was posed to Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife Grace at the end of Pastor Mark’s sermon. Check out the video: Pastor Mark is way out of line. In my experience, it is much more difficult to stay at home with a child than it is to work. In my prior career as a police officer, I observed many, many, mothers who were not fit to be one. Therefore, is it better to have an unfit mother raising a child or, as Pastor Mark says, an “unbeliever” raising the child. The …Read more […..]
Uncle Jeff & Auntie Jo, Wake Up Daddy, Its Christmastime, Christmas Parties, Santa Was Here! Aminals
It has been about 5 months since Emma has seen my Uncle Jeff and his wife Jo. The last time she saw them she loved Jo but wouldn’t go by Jeff although she did start to play Peek with him from a distance. They came over and spent a nice evening with us recently. At first Emma was leery of Jeff and, of course, was immediately receptive to Jo. It didn’t take long however, for her to warm up to Jeff. At first, while Melissa & I talked with Jeff, Emma kidnapped Jo and took her into the living room to play. After awhile we all ended up in the same room at which time Emma kidnapped …Read more […..]
Oh Nooooooo, Santa! More Parties! Choo Choo Train
When something goes wrong, even something very minor, Emma has recently been saying, “Ohhhh Nooooooo…..” It is funny how she says it. She says it in an exaggerated manner as if she is overly concerned–too funny! We went to 3 Christmas parties over the weekend, all on Saturday. The first party was a company family Christmas event that featured many attractions such as elves that painted faces and made cool candy cane balloons, crafts, karaoke, a train ride, and, of course, Santa Claus! Now, last year Emma was deathly afraid of Santa and cried when Melissa brought her by him. This year Emma …Read more […..]
A “Merry Christmasâ€
Just had to add this clever take on “Twas a night Before Christmas” as the politically correctness has gotten way out of hand… *Twas the month before Christmas *When all through our land, *Not a Christian was praying *Nor taking a stand. *See the PC Police had taken away, *The reason for Christmas – no one could say. *The children were told by their schools not to sing, *About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things. *It might hurt people’s feelings, the teachers would say * December 25th is just a ‘ Holiday ‘. *Yet the shoppers were ready …Read more […..]
Happy Thanksgiving! Snow!! “I Don’t Need You Daddy and I Don’t Need Momma, I’m a Big Girl”, Abonabo, The Bodeepot
Thanksgiving was busy, busy, busy! Emma got to go to Grandma & grandpa’s and played with her cousins Lauren & Nicole. She really loves Lauren since she is younger than Nicole. I think Lauren is about 8 or 9 and Nicole is 13. Emma kept Nicole busy that is for sure! Emma also got to “play” with her 95(I think) year old Bucia. Funny how she has always been attracted to her…Maybe because she sees her as somewhat of a child? Bucia loved it too! Watching her, she looks at Emma with a wonderment that rivals my own! Even at that age, she seems to be reliving her own childhood. After Grandma …Read more […..]
Kaylen, I Like to Move It Move It, Patti-Cake, Nice & Snuggly Warm
Emma recently got to know her cousin Kaylen better. For awhile now we have been notified that Kaylen wanted to babysit for Emma. We finally set it up and it went very well. Kaylen slept overnight here and the next day she had her first crack at watching the little stinker! Of course during the morning hours I was here but I pretty much stayed in the office. In the afternoon I went to the health club. How nice it is to be able to do the thing that i love and have been used to doing for the last 20 years at that time of day! I came home refreshed and Emma didn’t even care that I was gone. Of …Read more […..]
The Big Slide! ABCs, Ring Around the Rosie, 1st Movie at the Show! Skip to My Lou
Ever since Emma fell on her face–ouch–at the bottom of the big slide at the park she has refused to go back on…until now! I finally got her to go on the big slide with me, on my lap–<span style=”font-style:italic;”><span style=”font-weight:bold;”>Stay at Home Dad Tip- don’t be embarrassed to act like a kid!</span></span>. After that time down(safe) she told me she wanted to do it herself. I walked along the stairs and stood at the bottom where she could see me. She went down with the usual WEEEEEE and once at the bottom decided that she wanted to do it again, and again, …Read more […..]
Trick or Treat! Halloween Party! New Friend Jack
Well, Halloween has always been a big holiday with me and I am pleased to say that I think it will be for Emma too. This year she got into it and enjoyed it very much. Emma was Tinkerbell and boy did she look cute! For the last 7 years I have put a fog machine in the bushes in front of our house so that I can scare/entertain the kids who come here trick-or-treating. This year we had unbelievable weather–it was 70 degrees and completely still. The fog that I made just lingered in front of our house and eventually the entire culdesac. It looked like a movie set. The kids who came here loved …Read more […..]