For those of you that have regular assistance with the care of your child, count your blessings! Do not take that for granted. For the week following Emma’s birthday party this Stay at Home Dad had the Flu/Walking Pneumonia. Taking care of a 2 year old under these conditions is, well, a monumental challenge, at least for me!
For the last two years I wondered what I would do if I got sick and had to take care of Emma. Since I used to get sick every October and March like clockwork this was on my mind during those times of year. Emma’s hemangioma trained us to wash our hands constantly since the steroid treatment made her more susceptible to illness and infection. This helped me to stay illness free for the last two years.
Well, true to form, this illness gave me the pleasure of a 103 degree fever. The lack of sleep and the little two year old alarm clock posed quite a situation. The cutie pie woke her sick Daddy every day that week. She woke up extra early too! She opens her door now and comes in our room and that week she would grab my hand and say, “Daddy! Daddy!” until I got up. This is adorable and something I will always remember but when I am ill I am a real bear –aren’t all of us men?!
And Mama was sick too which didn’t give me the nice break that I usually get when she gets home from work. Mama had it rough too as she worked all day then came home to sick, grumpy Dada and ball of energy Emma.
Anyway, it is not easy taking care of a two year old while sick–I am sure many of you Moms, and Dads, know this quite well. The fact that we really have nobody to assist us during the daytime hours is frustrating at times. The only family members that can help out are either out of state or working. Anyone out there in a similar situation? Any advice?
Thank goodness that she was an angel that week, I think she knew her Dada was sick. I am also grateful that the Flu shot she received kept her from getting sick. I can’t imagine how it would have been if she were sick too.
Emma loves shoes! She is constantly putting her Mama’s shoes on and walking around in them. I can see the miniature Mama taking form! Tonight she was sitting there playing with the different shoes she arranged at her side. She was gabbing and gabbing and saying the shoe colors and all kinds of different words and baby talk. It is funny to watch her amuse and entertain herself.
Today her potty chairs arrived. Emma is ready for them I am sure. She immediately sat down on them to check them out. They fit her just right and we will try to get her to use them. It is another step in her development that I look forward to, amazingly. Funny the things that get me excited nowadays!