Scolded By Another Mom

Well, the goofy dilemmas that I have heard about regarding Mom’s of other kids has begun! My friends’ wives have told me stories about things like this and now I have been a part of it! LOL

Emma had a birthday party recently exclusively for her friends–her family party is seperate. When we were planning the party we wondered if we should invite the whole class or not. We decided to let Emma decide. Emma picked out the friends–all girls–who she wanted to come to the party. She left out a couple girls and we asked her if she was sure about it since she often played with one of them. She did, however, have a few little issues with this girl in the past too. She insisted on the birthday list so there it was.

We invited the kids in cognito–I personally handed the invites to the parents so we wouldn’t upset the kids not invited. The party went off without a hitch and Emma had a blast. She had such a blast that the girls must have all talked about it in school in front of the non-invited kids! How do I know? Well, I received the following email from her Mom! My response to this was that we repeatedly asked Emma who she wanted to come and that we were sorry if her daughter’s feelings were hurt. What else could I say? Just prefer not to have to deal with nonsense like this…Like I said before, its much easier to go to work! LOL

Mia came home from school today and was quite upset about the fact that all the other girls were invited to Emma’s birthday party and she wasn’t. I guess they were talking about it, and as a 4 year old, you could only imagine how Mia felt. I know it is none of my business or my place to tell someone who they can and can’t invite to their child’s party; however the fact that she and Hannah were the only two girls left out was kind of mean. I’m not quite sure if there was some kind of reason behind the fact that she wasn’t invited that I’m not aware of. I guess that is just something that I would never do. I’m not trying to make any problems, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Until the next dilemma…..


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