stay at home dad

I Can Open Doors! Having fun with Nonnie!

The little cutie pie can open doors now. The baby monitor no longer warns me that she is stirring as she sometimes gets up in stealth mode. I barely hear anything until I hear her at the top of the stairs–Thank goodness for the gates– yelling “Daddy.” Yesterday morning I woke up and opened my eyes to see her bedroom door opening up. I pretended to still be sleeping when she looked at me, yelled “Dada” and ran to my bedside to wake me up. So cute!!! She likes to show off her new ability to open doors. She will close it so she can re-open it. So proud she is. I am buying a hook latch …Read more […..]

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The First Day

The first day alone with Emma was one that I will not forget. Up until that time she was doing just fine with Momma being home. She took her naps every 2-3 hours and pretty much just ate and slept. She was a happy baby and would always be smiling and laughing. I think that I was lulled into a false sense of comfort during this time. Little did I know that the Mommy-Daughter bond would be so strong… I think it had lots to do with the fact that she was breastfeeding. Not only was this for her nutritional needs but it was just as important for her emotional needs. Daddy just isn’t …Read more […..]

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Go, Hello, Emma Under the Weather, New Family

Us at the “union party” with most of my new family The last couple of days have brought a couple new words. Nonnie had Emma and her cousin Taylor for a couple days. They played some kind of game where the word Go is used. Emma now says “Go” to me. Not sure if she wants me to get out of here but she likes saying it. Today, I got home and Nonnie said to watch Emma. She gave her the pretend phone and Emma put it to her ear and said “Hello”. She showed Mommie when she got home. Too funny! Emma is under the weather with a cold. It is very stressful. Especially when I tried to get her to sleep …Read more […..]

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Poppadee, Colors, Cousin Taylor

The last two days Emma has been saying a new word that we have no idea where she learned it from. Nonnie attached 4 straws together then attached them to part of a baster. Emma has been walking around with it and tapping it on the floor while saying, “Poppadee…Poppadee.” It is hilarious! Amazing how she is coming up with words on her own. She says “Me” and “Mine” and knows and says her colors, purple(her favorite, blue, yellow, red, green, and orange. She really loves to color and says “color” whenever she wants to. She is a little smarty–I know all parents say that but she really is! Her …Read more […..]

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Tired Days,Thought for Today

I haven’t been writing as much lately as I have been very tired. Nonnie is in town helping out and I have been getting a chance to get other things done. At the end of the day I have been very tired. Speaking of very tired, the First day that I was home with Emma was extremely tiring….. I thought that I was a doomed man after that day. I will explain more about that day soon… Enjoy the following message. Do I believe in luck?  I should say I do!  It’s a wonderful force.  I have watched the successful careers of too many lucky men to doubt its existence and its efficacy.  …Read more […..]

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Party time, How I got here, Mom goes back to work

The last couple days were fun party days. Emma loves parties and had lots of fun! The first party was a holiday party with Melissa’s friends–my friends too! Emma got to play with Alisha, Daniel, and Lauren. She had lots of fun running in the hallways of the golf club with the other “big” girls. She also liked to grab 21 yr old Britney’s hand and drag her around. The waitresses loved Emma and she seems to brighten every one’s face who she comes in contact with. She didn’t like when Bob picked her up when she didn’t want him to. She cried and actually had tears and when he put her …Read more […..]

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The Beginning

People who know me know that I am a big kid. Even though my childhood was not perfect(Much more on this in the book) I have fond memories of it. Everything was so amazing and nothing was impossible! My Hotwheels, plastic soldiers, Vertibird, electric train set, Power passers, Intellivision, Schwinn World Sport(which I still have!), mini-bike, dirt bike, my Buick Electra, etc…… Going to the movies with uncle Jeff was so much fun, especially the R rated ones! Sleepovers with all my friends then sneaking out! Playing guns outside(None of us has shot anyone or committed violent crimes …Read more […..]

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Daycare, Trust, & “John”

Seems my discussion of Daycare was interesting to lots of people. I will elaborate on daycare. My main concern regarding daycare is not the fact that kids are always sick that go there or the fact that the children are not exclusively supervised(not really a problem for older kids) but the fact that I don’t know who is caring for my child. I find it very difficult to put my trust in a stranger( multiple childcare people at daycare centers). Now I am sure there are those who say that the facility is highly reputable and has a stringent screening process, etc… I say that the people who say …Read more […..]

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New Word, Guilt, Calling for Mama,Hurry She’s Sleeping!

Today Emma woke up in a good mood. I heard her on the monitor calling for Dada and tried to finish some work for my business. This brings up the fact that even though I stay up late–I really appreciate the quiet time now– I purposely get up early so that I can: first have my coffee and slowly wake up(I am not a morning person) and second: go through the seemingly endless number of emails I get overnight and get business work “finished” before Emma wakes up. Well, she woke up happy as she does most of the time, and proceeded to show me her new sheets that have frogs and flowers. She …Read more […..]

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