stay at home dad
6 years old! Skip-Dancing Daddy!
Well, another year has passed and our little girl is now 6 years old! Wow! Where did the time go?!? I can’t believe that 6 years has went by so fast! Our little girl is growing up too fast! She is getting so smart and learning so much in kindergarten that I can hardly believe it! To celebrate her birthday, Emma was able to have 3 small parties. First, Emma had a Princess Party with her cousins and friends where the girls were dressed up like princesses and had lots of fun! Emma also had a small party at Nonnie and Poppie’s in Wisconsin. As is par for the course, Emma didn’t want …Read more […..]
1st Day of School! Coloring Like Crazy! Company Day At Great America!
What a difference a year makes! Emma couldn’t wait to go back to school! She got up and asked if she was going to school but I had to tell her that she will be going in the afternoons this year. I had none of the nervousness that I felt last year when she had her 1st day of school. None of the uneasiness that I felt as I drove her there and virtually none( maybe just a tad) of the guilt as I left her there….And, she was excited to be going back to school since she has the same teacher and is familiar with it. A plus this year is that she is in the afternoon class which means that we …Read more […..]
Being a Stay-at-Home Dad is Just Fine … Except for That Feeling of Isolation
I completely agree with the feeling of isolation! It is hard to explain and I am not even sure that stay at home moms would understand how strong this feeling is with men..Maybe? I have heard from Moms that they feel the same sometimes but I truly doubt that it is as intense in women as it is in men–in general…. Instead of sitting in traffic for a long drive to his office in Concord on a recent Monday, Chuck Hammond sat at his kitchen table in Roseville, cutting the rind off little pieces of orange and feeding them to his 1-year-old daughter, Reagan. These days, Hammond works full time …Read more […..]
More Opinions of Stay at Home Dads,I Love You, Temper Temper, Hi, Smarty Pants
Recently I came across some differing opinions/reactions to my status as a stay at home dad. As I have explained before, many men have funny, negative, or weird reactions when they hear that I stay at home with Emma. The older guys think it is pretty strange as they grew up in a different time. That is understandable but still a bit aggravating. The younger guys are a mixed bag. The majority of the ones that have children tell me that I am extremely lucky to stay home with her–I totally agree– and they wish that they could do the same. The younger guys without kids, in general, haven’t …Read more […..]
The New Face of Fatherhood, Mama’s Home,Helicopter!
I was reading the June issue of PARENTS magazine and came across a very interesting article titled The New Face of Fatherhood It is a great article describing the 21st-century father, a guy who proudly wears spit-up on his shoulder as a battle scar, not an embarrassing stain. The article describes how today’s father is much more involved with the care and activities of his children, especially when compared to the fathers of 30 years ago. Though their numbers are small, more guys than ever are scaling back on work or quitting altogether to help raise a family. The fathers of 30 years ago spent …Read more […..]
Caged Lion Reappears, Sleep?, High Heels, Why? OK! Peanut Butter!
I have written about the feeling that I sometimes get while being home with Emma. It has nothing to do with Emma and is absolutely all about me. I have called the feeling that of a caged lion. Well, that cat was back last week in a bad way. I am not sure if mothers who stay at home get this feeling. I am not sure if it is because I have always worked, done my own thing, got married at age 35, had freedom, or whatever but I know it is something I have had to deal with the last couple years. This feeling is one that is unsettling to say the least. I feel guilty feeling it because in some way …Read more […..]
Orlando Trip, Fifi & Lala, Mickey & Minnie! The Witch!
We have been away for a bit on a trip to Orlando, Florida. The primary reason for the trip was for Melissa’s convention. Dada and Emma tagged along, along with Nonnie for assistance. Now, the choice was for Melissa to go on her own with the consequence being Emma not seeing her Mama for a week. With recent experiences of Emma being away from Melissa for 2 or 3 nights and the consequences of such, we decided that Dada and Nonnie would tag along. Daddy was able to re-arrange his schedule and off we went! Emma was able to see her cousin Lala(Lauren) and her auntie FiFi(Krissy). She last saw …Read more […..]
Sick, Help!!! Mama’s Shoes, Potty Chairs!
For those of you that have regular assistance with the care of your child, count your blessings! Do not take that for granted. For the week following Emma’s birthday party this Stay at Home Dad had the Flu/Walking Pneumonia. Taking care of a 2 year old under these conditions is, well, a monumental challenge, at least for me! For the last two years I wondered what I would do if I got sick and had to take care of Emma. Since I used to get sick every October and March like clockwork this was on my mind during those times of year. Emma’s hemangioma trained us to wash our hands constantly since the …Read more […..]
Favorite New Movies, Some Firsts, Fireworks!
Emma has a few favorite, and I use this term loosely as she is addicted to them, new movies. The first is Finding Nemo. For about a week she wanted to watch it everyday and usually requested it 2 to 3 times a day! The second is Shrek the Third. She loves the little Shrek babies, the Spanish walking cat, and Hook, the pirate with the hook hand. The third, and recently the new addiction, is Cars. She loves the cars going fast and especially loves the train and trucks. Emma had some firsts recently. The first one was her first booboo. She fell down and got a good scrape on top of her foot. …Read more […..]