
Stay At Home Dad Thoughts While Holding Emma’s Hand While Walking to School, Emma Does My Hair

Everyday, when I bring Emma to school, I park the car and actually get out of the car and walk her to the door–many lazy and overweight parents out there!. I have been doing so through the winter too, good thing we have had such a mild one! While we walk, Emma always holds my hand. This also applies to when I pick her up after school.There are several other stay at home dads and stay at home moms that do the same. We have not given in, rebels as we are,  to the school’s request that all kids take the bus. I recently got to thinking, as I often do, about holding my daughter’s little hand. …Read more […..]

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Life & Friendship–Enjoy it and Don’t Take it for Granted

As Emma develops friendships, several very close ones, I can’t help but think to myself whether they will be lifelong friendships or, as is most commonly the case, childhood friends. I think this because I still have close friendships with people who I met in the early grade school years. As This stay at home dad often does, I am trying to look ahead into Emma’s life and by doing so am reminded of past memories of my own life. Memories of a very dear childhood/teenage friend of mine come to mind. A life with such potential  tragically cut short. This was a very significant …Read more […..]

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Taking Emma to School—Priceless!

So, I am glad I went with my gut and didn’t listen to the naysayers who were telling me that Emma should take the bus to school because it would be good for her. Well, instead of the awesome pleasure of riding on a school bus, Emma is able to further bond with her Daddy! Which is the better option? Hmmmmm….. As we were walking the half block from the car to school today, I couldn’t help but think about this. I parked in the usual area and we walked holding hands as always past the crossing guard and to the school. It was a beautiful morning today and we talked as we always do about the exciting …Read more […..]

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1st Day(half) of Kindergarten!

Well, the day finally arrived! After meeting with Emma’s new teacher yesterday for meet the Teacher Day, Emma had her 1st half day of school. Meeting her teacher yesterday relieved some of my anxieties as well as Emma’s since she got an awesome teacher! Her teacher is right up her alley–an energetic and fun sounding young woman. I also learned about the procedures that I will be participating in such as dropping off and picking up. I set my alarm for 7am but woke up on my own this morning at 6ish in anticipation of today. We let Emma sleep until Mommy went to work and Mommy woke her …Read more […..]

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Emma’s New Mustang! Stye on her Eye! Avery has a TV in her room-Can I have one in my room?

Emma received her own car for her 5th Birthday! Her aunts Lina and Mary bought her a new Barbie Mustang Powerwheels car! She really likes it and is becoming quite the driver! I like it too because it keeps her busy for a while although I am always on the watch making sure no cars are coming on the streets near our cul de sac as she zooms in a big circle around our driveway and part of the street. I still have to drill into her head the importance of always looking both ways before entering the street since we still have a bunch of cars coming down our small dead end street and making …Read more […..]

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1st Day of School! Coloring Like Crazy! Company Day At Great America!

What a difference a year makes! Emma couldn’t wait to go back to school! She got up and asked if she was going to school but I had to tell her that she will be going in the afternoons this year. I had none of the nervousness that I felt last year when she had her 1st day of school. None of the uneasiness that I felt as I drove her there and virtually none( maybe just a tad) of the guilt as I left her there….And, she was excited to be going back to school since she has the same teacher and is familiar with it. A plus this year is that she is in the afternoon class which means that we …Read more […..]

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Day at Lena’s Pool with Mom, Swimming at Her New Pool, Vacation Bible School Starts!

  Sounds like they had a blast at Lena’s. They were gone the entire day and when they got back Emma was wiped out! They swam in the pool and Emma was occupied with her older girl cousins. Melissa got updated on all the gossip, I am sure. It is nice that they had fun without me because it is good for me to have some time like this alone to recharge. Last summer, Emma had her little inflatable pool that was just right for cooling off. This year, a friend gave us an even bigger pool that included a small filter and was even bigger and deeper. It is even good enough for …Read more […..]

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Preschool Graduation! Mommy is home….Guilt over my short fuse & anxiety

Well, our little Emma has had her 1st graduation! Oh, how time does fly!! 🙂 It seems like I was nervously just dropping her off on her 1st day of preschool and now the year is over. I am so proud of her and how well she is doing. She was very proud of herself too. She was excited–I am sure she didn’t understand what graduation really meant or that she wouldn’t see her friends for a long time and that she will be stuck with her Daddy all summer—but she was excited! There was a very nice ceremony and the kids sang some of their songs. It lasted longer than I thought it would and …Read more […..]

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Nona in Heaven, Go Dogs to Heaven, Riding my bike! 4th Birthday–Princesses! I Love Poppie

It has been awhile since it has been hectic around here. My grandmother “Nona” passed away recently after several months of illness. I will surely miss her alot–maybe I will write about her in depth in the future–and Emma will miss her too. Emma really liked to visit with her even in the hospital.     Emma has a new favorite movie which she pronounces in a very cute way. It is “Go Dogs to Heaven.” Obviously it is All Dogs Go to Heaven….:) She loves this movie as well as its sequel.   After getting a nice new tricycle for Christmas from her cousins Chrissy …Read more […..]

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Christmas Party at Lena’s, Lala Here! Sleepover with Lala & KiKi, Merry Christmas!

It was much fun at Lena’s house for her Christmas party. Emma was all over the place playing with all of her older cousins! She really loves Tina and kept her busy. She is friendly with everyone and even smiles at Uncle Vince and Uncle Fred! Of course Emma was spoiled like crazy by her aunts with all kinds of Christmas presents, especially tons of clothes. And, the food was, as usual, excellent!!!! Emma was really excited when her cousin Lauren(Lala) came to stay here from Florida. Emma really kept lala busy and took the heat off me and Mommie! She really likes lala and always looks …Read more […..]

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