Thoughts & Opinions

New Stay at Home Dads

A nice intro by a fellow Stay at Home Dad. The last sentence says it all! I want to welcome all the dads entering the stay at home dad realm. You are entering the toughest job you will ever love. Because we have a tough economy, more dads are entering the stay at home dad status. I want you dads to know that you are not alone. Keep searching for resources and groups to join. Have fun with your kids because time will go fast. You will look back one day and know that your sacrifice to be there for your kids paid off greater than any paycheck or monetary investment. Vini Nunez Agape Life …Read more […..]

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How Cool is This?

I read this and it just confirmed my reason for writing in this blog. Truly awesome! I have to get the book now! Enjoy! My Son Is Reading My Book About Him By David Eddie Author of: Housebroken, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home-Dad Yes, an unusual situation. My oldest son, now 12, is reading my book that concerns me, the ne’er-do-well bachelor and man’s man and ladies’ man, making the difficult transition to being a married man and not only a father but a stay-at-home Dad. He needed a book for a book …Read more […..]

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To be a Full-Time Dad a Sense of Humor is a Must

An excellent article by a fellow Stay at Home Dad As written by Joe Schatz Fatherhood Examiner So You Want to be a Stay at Home Dad? Part III With so many changes to the traditional work environment and with the economy tanking, we are seeing a lot of families make the choice to bring daddy home. So, if you are a dad out there considering becoming a SAHD, I am here to scare you straight. It is tough being a full-time parent. I, personally, think it is more challenging staying home with kids then it is to work. This series …Read more […..]

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Reverse Sexism Against Stay at Home Dads?

I am attaching an article as taken from Rebel Dad at It is quite obvious that reverse sexism is being undertaken in Missouri. Being that stay at home dads will be discriminated against we probably won’t hear a peep. But if it was the other way around though…Hmmm… What do you think? Wingnut Declares Dads Can’t Match Moms in the Nurturer Department Before I go on an rip a Missouri lawmaker for a staggering stupid comment about fathers, let me first say that I am in favor of tax breaks and other government incentives to at-home parents. I feel even more strongly that *all* …Read more […..]

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Just some words of wisdom for everyone! Stress A lecturer when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked,”How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter.It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you’ll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it’s the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” He …Read more […..]

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Can You Believe This? Child Safety Tip

What are your thoughts on stay at home dads if the woman really wants to work? Or even if both want/need to work? This question was posed to Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife Grace at the end of Pastor Mark’s sermon. Check out the video: Pastor Mark is way out of line. In my experience, it is much more difficult to stay at home with a child than it is to work. In my prior career as a police officer, I observed many, many, mothers who were not fit to be one. Therefore, is it better to have an unfit mother raising a child or, as Pastor Mark says, an “unbeliever” raising the child. The …Read more […..]

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Brushing Teeth/Washing Hands, “Loved Ones” Too Busy for Emma?! Halloween & Leaves!

Emma has been brushing her teeth by herself for quite a while now. It started out with her just eating the toothpaste because it tastes so good. It has evolved to where she really scrubs the bottom teeth–hasn’t perfected the top teeth yet. She has been encouraged by me stating that she needs to “get the germs off her teeth.” It seems that even though she doesn’t really know what germs are and hasn’t seen them she doesn’t want them on her. This works for her letting us wash her face and hands too. During the last month or so–after observing her cousins Chrissy & Megan– she has been standing …Read more […..]

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More Opinions of Stay at Home Dads,I Love You, Temper Temper, Hi, Smarty Pants

Recently I came across some differing opinions/reactions to my status as a stay at home dad. As I have explained before, many men have funny, negative, or weird reactions when they hear that I stay at home with Emma. The older guys think it is pretty strange as they grew up in a different time. That is understandable but still a bit aggravating. The younger guys are a mixed bag. The majority of the ones that have children tell me that I am extremely lucky to stay home with her–I totally agree– and they wish that they could do the same. The younger guys without kids, in general, haven’t …Read more […..]

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You Do What??

Funny how many men react to me when I tell them I stay at home with Emma….. The older men are especially puzzled. I guess I would have felt the same way some years ago. It seems like the old way of thinking, that the man was the provider and the woman reared the children, is alive and well today. Over the last couple of years, when I have been introduced to someone new I have been greeted with mixed reactions. It seems that virtually every woman who I have met that was told that I stay at home with my daughter has reacted overwhelmingly in a positive manner. They all say that it is a great …Read more […..]

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Health Club, Comments on Kids’ Amazement

I have always worked out and exercised but the last couple years have brought a change to my workouts. Instead of lifting weights and playing basketball I find myself walking a lot, riding my bike with Emma on board, and generally chasing her around, etc…. I recently brought her to the health club and had her stay in the child care area. The first time I stayed with her for a while then snuck out for 20 minutes as she played with all the new toys. The second time I brought her I left her while I worked out. I made the mistake of trying to peek in on her before taking a shower to make sure …Read more […..]

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