New Words
Poppadee, Colors, Cousin Taylor
The last two days Emma has been saying a new word that we have no idea where she learned it from. Nonnie attached 4 straws together then attached them to part of a baster. Emma has been walking around with it and tapping it on the floor while saying, “Poppadee…Poppadee.” It is hilarious! Amazing how she is coming up with words on her own. She says “Me” and “Mine” and knows and says her colors, purple(her favorite, blue, yellow, red, green, and orange. She really loves to color and says “color” whenever she wants to. She is a little smarty–I know all parents say that but she really is! Her …Read more […..]
Mommy out of town, Nooooo, Hi-chair?
Whenever Melissa goes out of town I feel a pressure and anxiety that everything is on me now. Emma is a great little girl and is an angel but whenever I hear her call for Momma when she is not here it breaks my heart. I can usually change the subject or distract her but sometimes at night time she really wants her Momma. I’m sure that this happens often to Dads and even Moms. Am I the only one that hates the fact that my spouse travels out of town? Emma has discovered the word “No.” We are in trouble now….. Today, she was playing with her duckie> and pinkie bear and telling …Read more […..]
Colors, Delivery Guy, First Days Home
The colors of the day are Purple, Emma’s favorite, and Yellow which she said for the first time today. The last couple days have been “purple” days… She knows several colors, purple, blue(boo), and now yellow. Her favorite toys are her purple bear and purple fish, both of them she calls bu “purple.” While going to bed she showed Melissa one of the 2 beanie baby cats she was holding and said, “yellow.” Moments like this, seemingly so small to lots of people, are the ones that I treasure and will never forget. We had a Peapod(grocery) delivery tonight. When we told Emma that there …Read more […..]