New Behaviors

The Baby Puked, Meera, Potty with Gianna, Kathy Kathy, Popstickle, Memorizing Max & Ruby Song

Emma likes taking baths with her dollies. For awhile she would bring them in with their clothes still on but after awhile we took the clothes off beforehand as the princess dresses are too nice to get ruined. Anyway, she has a big doll that we just call baby. Baby is a doll that has an open mouth and bottom that will drink from a bottle and go pee. Baby took a bath with Emma and I thought it would be funny–and I was right– to pick the doll up and squeeze it. When Emma saw the water coming out of its mouth and bottom she got excited and proclaimed, “The baby is going pee and it puked!” Too funny!!! For …Read more […..]

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Relief is Here! Nap By Myself, B-day Party! Sneaking Bubble Gum, Why? Potty Power! Hex Girls, Holding a 3Yr Old Accountable??

It has been awhile but it has been busy around here… Emma had a new pal for the last couple weeks and I had a “vacation” during this time. Nonnie, my Mom, came and stayed with us. Boy, did Emma enjoy having her here…. Emma got to play dolls(with someone other than me all day), jump in her bouncy toy, play outside(a day or 2 since weather was bad), color, and run Nonnie ragged…..  She got to take naps with her, and even took a nap all by herself a day or two–good one nonnie! She was proud and bragged about how she took a nap “all by myself!” Nonnie got Emma back on track …Read more […..]

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Bad Dream,Uncle Jeff & Aunt Joe, Scooby Doo! Name & Address, Potty Power! Favorite Dolls!

The other morning Emma woke up upset. The first thing she said was, “Mommy ate my apple and was mad!” Well, it turns out that she had a bad dream where Mommy ate her apple and was mad. LOL Her first documented(By her) bad dream. Emma had the exciting privilege of having a couple of her favorite visitors come stay with us. When she got up I told her that she was having surprise visitors coming to see her. When I told her that they were here and opened the door so she could see them exiting their car she saw Uncle Jeff and went crazy! She started jumping up and down and yelling through the door …Read more […..]

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YouTube Videos, Dirty Deeds! Cousin Kylie, Superbowl & Vincent! At the Park in February!

So, Emma has been into a new activity lately. She loves to “Go in the office” to watch YouTube videos. Yes, at almost 3 years of age she is now literate in Web 2.0! We have a ton of bookmarked videos that she watches. Besides watching the short video clips of herself that I have recorded over the years–wow, over the years already!–she really enjoys watching the homemade videos of Disney clips/characters set to popular songs. The videos have to have actual video clips and not just pictures or else she will tell me to “Change it.” Her favorite video is set to the AC/DC song “Dirty Deeds” …Read more […..]

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Happy Thanksgiving! Snow!! “I Don’t Need You Daddy and I Don’t Need Momma, I’m a Big Girl”, Abonabo, The Bodeepot

Thanksgiving was busy, busy, busy! Emma got to go to Grandma & grandpa’s and played with her cousins Lauren & Nicole. She really loves Lauren since she is younger than Nicole. I think Lauren is about 8 or 9 and Nicole is 13. Emma kept Nicole busy that is for sure! Emma also got to “play” with her 95(I think) year old Bucia. Funny how she has always been attracted to her…Maybe because she sees her as somewhat of a child? Bucia loved it too! Watching her, she looks at Emma with a wonderment that rivals my own! Even at that age, she seems to be reliving her own childhood. After Grandma …Read more […..]

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Kaylen, I Like to Move It Move It, Patti-Cake, Nice & Snuggly Warm

Emma recently got to know her cousin Kaylen better. For awhile now we have been notified that Kaylen wanted to babysit for Emma. We finally set it up and it went very well. Kaylen slept overnight here and the next day she had her first crack at watching the little stinker! Of course during the morning hours I was here but I pretty much stayed in the office. In the afternoon I went to the health club. How nice it is to be able to do the thing that i love and have been used to doing for the last 20 years at that time of day! I came home refreshed and Emma didn’t even care that I was gone. Of …Read more […..]

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The Big Slide! ABCs, Ring Around the Rosie, 1st Movie at the Show! Skip to My Lou

Ever since Emma fell on her face–ouch–at the bottom of the big slide at the park she has refused to go back on…until now! I finally got her to go on the big slide with me, on my lap–<span style=”font-style:italic;”><span style=”font-weight:bold;”>Stay at Home Dad Tip- don’t be embarrassed to act like a kid!</span></span>. After that time down(safe) she told me she wanted to do it herself. I walked along the stairs and stood at the bottom where she could see me. She went down with the usual WEEEEEE and once at the bottom decided that she wanted to do it again, and again, …Read more […..]

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Brushing Teeth/Washing Hands, “Loved Ones” Too Busy for Emma?! Halloween & Leaves!

Emma has been brushing her teeth by herself for quite a while now. It started out with her just eating the toothpaste because it tastes so good. It has evolved to where she really scrubs the bottom teeth–hasn’t perfected the top teeth yet. She has been encouraged by me stating that she needs to “get the germs off her teeth.” It seems that even though she doesn’t really know what germs are and hasn’t seen them she doesn’t want them on her. This works for her letting us wash her face and hands too. During the last month or so–after observing her cousins Chrissy &amp; Megan– she has been standing …Read more […..]

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“My Feet are Dancing!”, “Don’t be Silly”, “The Baby is Older”, “Let me Touch Your Hair”, Friends!

We have exposed Emma to music since she was a little baby. Hmmmm, wonder if she will like ’80s music when she is older–ha….. I like to dance with her as often as possible. not only will she see her Daddy having fun dancing at his old age but she will get more practice and enjoy it even more. Sometimes, when the music is on and Emma is listening to it, she will say, “Look, my feet are dancing” and show me how her feet are bouncing to the beat. She loves to dance as it is lots of fun! Another funny saying that she has is “Don’t be silly.” She says this to both Mommy and I and just shows …Read more […..]

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More Opinions of Stay at Home Dads,I Love You, Temper Temper, Hi, Smarty Pants

Recently I came across some differing opinions/reactions to my status as a stay at home dad. As I have explained before, many men have funny, negative, or weird reactions when they hear that I stay at home with Emma. The older guys think it is pretty strange as they grew up in a different time. That is understandable but still a bit aggravating. The younger guys are a mixed bag. The majority of the ones that have children tell me that I am extremely lucky to stay home with her–I totally agree– and they wish that they could do the same. The younger guys without kids, in general, haven’t …Read more […..]

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