
The Only Stay At Home Dad Who Feels This Way?

Before beginning, I want to first say that I love my wife Melissa very much! She is truly the light of my life and I can’t imagine life without her. She is a very loving mother who loves our daughter Emma immensely. There is nothing both she and I would not do for our daughter and each other. For the last 8 years, while I have been pursuing entrepreneurial goals as well as being a stay at home dad, Melissa has shouldered the financial burden of our family(for more info on how we got to this point Click Here) and it has really been tough on her. Trying to balance an expanding career and family is …Read more […..]

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WISCONSIN: Baby dead in day-care van

Need I Say More?? Although the vast majority of daycare agencies are trustworthy, you never really know the person who you place your child with. MILWAUKEE — A 4-month-old boy was found dead in a day-care center’s van Thursday and its driver was arrested, police said. The baby may have been left in the Bumble Bee Day Care Center van for about four hours before he was found Thursday afternoon, police spokeswoman Anne Schwartz said. How the baby died was not immediately known; the temperature in the area was in the 50s at the time. Schwartz says the van’s 44-year-old driver was arrested …Read more […..]

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Baby Sitters Accused of Taping Sex With Children

Some sick people out there!  Another example of why I am paranoid of daycare and babysitters… VEEDERSBURG, Ind. – A couple who ran a baby-sitting service out of their home videotaped themselves performing sex acts with children, some as young as 2 months old, police said Friday. Stephen E. Quick, 31, and Samantha Light, 25, both of Veedersburg in western Indiana, were being held on $100,000 bond in Fountain County Jail. Both faced preliminary charges of child molestation and child exploitation. Jail staff did not know whether either one had an attorney. Police who searched …Read more […..]

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Ths is Why I am So “Paranoid” About Daycare

This is sickening! You just never know about people…. Cary, N.C. — After her twin sons, Gavin and Bryce, were born three months premature, it was difficult for Lindsay Addison to go back to work in January. Having spent months in intensive care, the boys still were not healthy enough to go to day care with their older brother, so Addison posted an ad online for a nanny. After interviewing six candidates, she hired someone she thought she could trust – a nanny who is a mother herself, had a background in child care and had a “glowing recommendation” from someone …Read more […..]

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Party time, How I got here, Mom goes back to work

The last couple days were fun party days. Emma loves parties and had lots of fun! The first party was a holiday party with Melissa’s friends–my friends too! Emma got to play with Alisha, Daniel, and Lauren. She had lots of fun running in the hallways of the golf club with the other “big” girls. She also liked to grab 21 yr old Britney’s hand and drag her around. The waitresses loved Emma and she seems to brighten every one’s face who she comes in contact with. She didn’t like when Bob picked her up when she didn’t want him to. She cried and actually had tears and when he put her …Read more […..]

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Daycare, Trust, & “John”

Seems my discussion of Daycare was interesting to lots of people. I will elaborate on daycare. My main concern regarding daycare is not the fact that kids are always sick that go there or the fact that the children are not exclusively supervised(not really a problem for older kids) but the fact that I don’t know who is caring for my child. I find it very difficult to put my trust in a stranger( multiple childcare people at daycare centers). Now I am sure there are those who say that the facility is highly reputable and has a stringent screening process, etc… I say that the people who say …Read more […..]

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